Friday, April 10, 2015

33. Abella Anderson as PAMELA

Zodiac Sign:


Co-Star in Live Sex Show

Spring 22
of the Sith 

B- (2.74)


The True Biopic (To Make A Long Story Short):

When the mice are away,
they say that the cats will play.
Well, I'm not the one who'd ever 
dispute this claim anymore since
one of my all-time hottest hookups
happened while Samantha was off 
doing photo shoots in NYC and LA.

It all went down at HFStival from the moment that we parked....
I spotted this sexy ass mamacita chilling in the parking lot with
a group of her friends who were standing out there selling tabs.
The 2 of us locked eyes as soon as I stepped outta the car. 
I gave her a wink, she then flashed me a smile, I smiled back,
and immediately I became entranced by her voodoo sex appeal. 

She was fit, voluptuous, wearing her jet black hair up in a bun,
and sporting a red bikini that matched
her super sexy, red acrylic nail job.
I couldn't stop staring all bcuz that 
"come hither" look of hers had me going. 
So, I walked over to where she was and
bought a tab from her homeboys just to 
get a view of that sexy mami up close.
We didn't even say a word to each other
while I was over there handling my biz, 
but we kept checking each other out.

Since it was still morning, I didn't think that it was necessarily

a good idea for me to pair up with a female quite so soon.
Even though she was fine, I figured that it might be best to
keep my options open just in case I saw a chick that I liked more.
So, we parted ways, went inside, and I proceeded to spend
the next few hours chillin' at HFStival with my friends....
but, the whole time, I kept thinking about that sexy ass mami
bcuz I didn't spot any chicks at the concert who looked better.  

Sometime during the mid-afternoon, I ran into the chick again
while walking around and decided to ask if she wanted to chill.
She was like "Sure", then grabbed my hand like we were a couple,
and we ditched our friends without saying shit to them at all.
We found a spot, laid down a blanket, smoked some blunts, and
spent the rest of the afternoon getting to know each other better.
BTW this chick was mad popular too----everybody knew her and
they all had designers that they were willing to share with us;
which worked out bcuz I didn't even drop the tab that I'd bought.

During the night time performances,
that's when shit heated up.
She let her long sexy hair down, climbed on top of me, and
we started going at it without worrying about who was around.
She's riding the hell outta me, grinding on a nigga n' clawing me
while I'm spankin' dat ass, pulling her hair, and luvin' the tiddies.
We're tonguing each other down like cinema sex on the beach.

Next thang ya know, the 2 of us had drawn a crowd of onlookers
who were standing over us taking pics with their camera phones
and cheering us on---all that I could see was her and flashbulbs.
Those MFs had as surrounded deep and were yelling loud as Hell 
like they'd paid us $$$ to perform a live sex show.
It didn't stop us one bit either---it just made us get more intense.

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